It’s crazy that Rowan has been here for 10 months. The time really has flown by! Rowan weighs 18lbs 20z and is hovering at right around 27inches long. She’s doing great! She has been healthy and the retching and vomiting has officially stopped. We are back on the eating train. We discovered that she likes ginger and soy sauce so Ryan is making her Filipino babyfood. She’s my asian baby afterall!
Rowan isn’t crawling yet and is getting increasingly frustrated about it. She WANTS to move but doesn’t want to have to bear weight on her arms, which is kind of necessary. She has learned to log roll to get where she wants to go. She will bear weight on her legs now so we’ve been practicing standing with support. Whatever. Rowan will do it eventually. Her ECI coordinator put Rowan at 12 months cognitively so I’m not sweating the physical stuff. Rowan’s communication is a little behind but that is also normal for tubefed/ low tone babies. She definitely has “the spark” as one therapist put it.
As of last week, we have a tooth. A bottom incisor has come in a full millimeter or so, and she’s fascinated with it. Chews her fingers with it, chews our fingers with it (ouch – pretty sharp, and her jaws are powerful). I keep trying to get some pictures of it, but trying to get enough light and Rowan to stop wiggling for long enough to get a clear pic is a challenge. We’ll get there. In the meantime, here’s her hanging with the dog (Sophie adores her):
As the cat looks on unamused.
And sitting up all by herself:
Big girl indeed. Tooth pictures promised in the near future. In the meantime, check out the photo page for some new images.
Rowan is definitely keeping me on my toes. Medically, we’ve had a lot of really annoying and occasionally stressful days. First, the important things..At her weigh-in last week she weighed 16lbs 4 oz and was 25.5 inches long. Basically she’s short and chubby. Healthwise she is doing well. She had a couple of weeks where she was really tired and lethargic for days. That was really scary and stressful. There was some drama involved in attempting to get medical attention from Rowan’s pediatrician but I won’t dwell on that. Suffice to say, he’s fired. We don’t know what was going but she is back to normal now. She has started retching again but we know have a GI doc who prescribed her a new medication that should hopefully stop that. Her previous med, Reglan, will probably be taken off the market due to neurological side effects (thankfully Rowan didn’t have any of those). In two days we saw the Endocrinologist (really just the endocrinology Fellow), the Immunologist (who said she looked great), the Cardiologist and the GI doc. Her cardiologist assured me that her heart is fine and wouldn’t cause any issues like lethargy. Did I mention that I love him?
Anyway, the retching has caused a step back in the eating department. Rowan will start retching the minute I put food in her mouth and she won’t drink anything. Today was a good day, though. She ate hummus off a pita chip at therapy today. A garlic, seasoned pita chip. She is clearly my daughter! I think once her tummy is back under control her eating will take off. Unfortunately, she doesn’t like baby food. Ryan and I are going to have to improve our eating habits if we are going to share our food with Rowan!
Rowan is also doing physical therapy twice a week now. She has low tone in her trunk and isn’t quite sitting on her own yet and won’t bear weight on her arms. Rowan is pretty stubborn so I think she will be ok. Once she decides she wants to do it, she will.
Rowan is 6 months old and chugging along. She weighs about 15 lbs and is 25 inches long. She is one chubby baby. We started doing physical therapy a few weeks ago and she’s doing ok. Rowan is really not wanting to move but we’re working on it. And whoever said that babies don’t manipulate is a big fat liar! I have to hide during Rowan’s PT session. If she can’t see me, she’s fine. Once she spots me, it’s over. She has her “why aren’t you putting a stop to this?”” cry. It’s kind of funny.
Anyway, to more important news…the feeding is going well. Rowan is doing really well with the solids. She will eat applesauce, pureed carrots, graham cracker, and will chew on orange slices. No, this isn’t the typical food “schedule” but hey…whatever. Rowan will take about an ounce to an ounce and a half of formula at one time…IF she’s in the mood. She also will drink water and Pedialyte. Mostly she just likes to wave her sippy cup around, but it’s a start