August 5th, 2010 Posted in Medical Updates | 1 Comment »
I forgot to mention this! If anyone remembers, last year Rowan was having a TERRIBLE time with retching and vomiting. She was doing it constantly. For months. We finally saw a GI doctor who put her on a medication that stopped it. She’s been on the same dosage of the same medication for a year. Well, we saw the GI doctor again and he said Rowan doesn’t need the med anymore and he RELEASED us. One less doctor to deal with and one less med to give Rowan. Woohoo!
July 22nd, 2010 Posted in Photos | 3 Comments »
This is a little idea of what’s been going on in the Michael household lately.

If I put her down anywhere, she will crawl to the stairs and start climbing. Just last Thursday, her physical therapist was telling me how she has been trying to get Rowan to climb but Rowan wouldn’t do it. Now look at her.
And this is what I wake up to now…

Rowan is now pulling up on anything and everything. This is just like her. Once she decides to do something she doesn’t look back!
July 6th, 2010 Posted in Medical Updates | 1 Comment »
Rowan had surgery today to close her g-tube site and to repair a hernia. It all went very smoothly and we were home by 11:00 am. Rowan has been VERY clingy and grumpy but is doing just fine. Hopefully this will be the last trip to the OR ever.
June 23rd, 2010 Posted in Medical Updates | 4 Comments »
Rowan is officially a FORMER g-tuber. The surgeon pulled the tube out this afternoon. Now if the site doesn’t close on its own we may have to go back to the OR to have it closed. Rowan also has a small hernia where one of her drain tubes (after her heart surgery) was placed so she will be back in the OR anyway.
But it’s gone! For good!

June 2nd, 2010 Posted in Videos | 2 Comments »