November 30th, 2008 Posted in Photos | No Comments »

My mom and my brother Shawn came to visit the day after Thanksgiving. Mom just wanted to play with the baby. Rowan seemed to like her. Mom would talk to Rowan and Rowan would talk back. It was pretty funny. Shawn got to meet the baby for the first time. He summed her up pretty well, “ayy, ka cute.”
November 19th, 2008 Posted in Medical Updates | No Comments »
Today we met with the Immunologist Dr. Pacheco. We got excellent news. All of Rowan’s Tcells are in the normal range! She was very happy about this. We go back for another check in 6 months.
We also had an appointment with the Feeding clinic. My impression is that their job is to make sure Rowan is growing appropriately. I, of course, am really anxious to get Rowan feeding orally. So, an appointment has been set up in January with the ENT doc who examined Rowan’s vocal cords in the hospital. Hopefully he clears her for another Barium Swallow and THEN she gets cleared to start mouth feeds. Keeping my fingers crossed!